The Alien Invasion

-French Creek State Park - Elverson, PA
Find yourself to Williams Hill. From the parking lot, head up the paved road to the trail of white and yellow. Go left. Travel into the woods until you see a large uprooted tree on your right. At thebase, behind the trunk, you will find -WAR-
Continue down the trail to the trail intersection. Head straight through, walking through 2 very very short walls in the trail. On the left, you will come across a fallen rotting tree scaling the trail. Under a rock at the end of the tree by the rotting stump, will be -SEASONS-
Head back to the trail intersection, now turning left up the white and blue. Hop over 2 boards in the trail, and locate a "V" tree on your left. Behind this tree will be -PEACE-
Continue up the trail until you find the tornado tree just off the trail on the left with debri at its base. 85 steps further will be an asteroid field. Behind a huge asteriod on the right side of the trail, you will find -FUTURE-
Continue to a 4 way intersection. Head right to the lot. Start walking away from the trail down through the lot passing the NTE sign. Pass the 3 wooden signs, 2 on the left, 1 on the right. A ways down, on the left will be an unmarked trail. Go to marker 11. Count back 11 paces. Locate the "V" tree on your right. Behind it you will find -LOVE-
Head back to the paved road and continue down the paved road passing the trail of red. Follow through the straight of alien noises until you come to the trail of white and yellow. Take a left. Walk to the backwards "Y" and take a right. Locate another ateroid field. The ateroid field runs to a tree just like one sitting on the trail. Behind that further tree will be -FERTILITY-