-Bear Brook State Park - Allenstown, NH
Using the map, you must exit Bear Brook State Park, taking a left onto Route 28. About a mile or so down the road, you will take a left onto River Rd, following it too for about a mile, taking another left onto Dodge Rd, which is unmarked. Follow this road, which turns to dirt, to a orange gate and park there.
Walk around the gate and passed a tiny field on your left. You may notice “No Trespassing” signs all around. Right now, you are not in Bear Brook, but soon will be. At a “Y” intersection, head left. You will soon enter Bear Brook, although it never says you do. At a clearing, there is a beaver pond. You will need to follow the trail straight, to the beaver pond. The trail head left where you will notice a pawsome sized BEAR on the right. Creep around the right side of the BEAR to where a tree touches. It is there you will locate a Polar Bear.
Continue along this trail, back to the main trail and head right. At a “Y” intersection head right. Locate a rock bulging out of the middle of the trail. You will know you found the right one if there is a stack of logs on the left side of where you stand. Between the logs at the base of the stack, you will find a Koala Bear.
Continue on this trail to another “Y” intersection. Head left. You will come to some water which you will travel around to the left, and continue on until you find the blue marked tree. With the tree to your right, look to your left and find a “V” tree. Behind this tree, you will find a Brown Bear.
Start heading back the way you came, but stop before heading down to the water. This is a “Y” intersection with a trail slightly noticed on your left. Head that way. It turns to the right and straight through a yard full of sleeping BEARS. Quietly walk through the yard and down the hill to the intersection. Head left to the logs on the left of the trail. Behind the log closest the stump, you will find a Panda Bear. Continue to intersection and head left to your car.
The Bears of Bear Brook