Presidents in Jefferson, NH

- Starr King Mountain Trail - Jefferson, NH
Start on the trail heading up to Starr King. Locate an old fallen "Y" tree on the right. It is there you will find Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Continue up the trail until you come to a small trail on your right. Take 52 steps to an old rotting stump on your right. Under some bark beside the stump you will find William H. Harrison, his Wife, and VP.
Head back to intersection in which you came and head right. Follow to the stone well. Walk around the well clockwise to pieces of White birch with a rock on it. Hiding underneath will be H.W. Bush.
Continue back up the trail to a rocky area with a small stream running through it. Before the stream, to your right will be a 3"v" tree next to a rock. Rutherford B. Hayes is sitting there.
Cross over the stream and locate a nearly naked tree on your right. There will be another tree nearly as naked 10ft further. At the more naked of the two trees under some birch next to the root that runs to the stump, will be John Q. Adams.
Turn around and head back toward your car. Back at the rocky area with the 3"V" tree, locate a well on your left in the woods. This is not the same well you visited earlier.This time, head counter clockwise to a small stone that looks like New Hampshire. Under this stone you will find New Hampshire's only Presidential representative, Franklin Pierce.
Continue again towards your car to the intersection you found Harrison. There is a trail that heads off to the right. Follow to where you can't swim or drink. Follow a small trail to the far side to the dam and locate a hole in the wall. Thomas Jefferson will be hiding in this hole.